Sunday, June 8, 2008

Blogging - A new journey start's today .....!!

Sunday 8th June - Gurgaon , India.

Today , M starting my blogging journey in this virtual world.For so long i have been thinking of starting my own blog to let the world (if any one reads this) know , what i feel & think about, to let the world know a little about my life.

Sitting alone at home is not only a painfull excercise but can also blow up your mind.
I am also a social animal life so many of us and love to meet people and freinds but when you are alone and dont get a someone to accompany & to share oneself , one starts looking for mediul and ways to express ourselves. And today i thought lets start this new journey of expressing myself in words , not only as a welcome change from same monotonous life but also as a way to let the feeling and views expressed in words.

I love writing and expressign my views . Just love to express my feeling in sentences.

I want to write so many things , but today not getting sentences to express my thoughts , but soon i will be in my true self and then you all will se my true potential as a writer & as a blogger.

Till then "Enjoy Life".

Cheers :-)

1 comment:

Afzal Khan said...

Welcome to Virtual World!, moreover Blogger's Community

M happy to see ur expressive writing capabilities.

Good Luck Bro...
